Reading Through The Lens of Leadership
Reading, as a way to develop a deeper understanding of leadership, has proven to be a popular and successful strategy for members of the Fieldstone Leadership Network to continue their own personal leadership development. This month the Network, hosted three separate book clubs which gather together monthly to study leadership using literature.
The Network’s first Book Club, which started in San Diego last year, decided to continue meeting even after the formal program ended last June. This month, the SD-1 Club hosted author Brandon Black to discuss his new book, EGO FREE LEADERSHIP. The interactive discussion included additional insight into Brandon’s personal experience leading Encore Capital from a company struggling to navigate during a difficult business environment and national economy to a vibrant company with increasing stock prices, recognized as one of the “best companies to work for”. It was an insightful two-way conversation and Brandon was very gracious and vulnerable in answering everyone’s questions. An added bonus was his willingness to sign everyone’s book!
San Diego Book Club 2 (SD-2) met for its first meeting on September 12th and Orange County hosted its first Book Club on September 19th. Twelve new members from a variety of nonprofit subsectors make up each of these two new Leadership Book Clubs. Stefanie Schiff will facilitate the SD 2 Club, while Barbara Demarco-Barrett will facilitate the OC 1 Club. Both facilitators will guide members into meaningful conversations about leadership, leaders and leading while working with the members to develop their own facilitation skills so they are able to use books and literature as a tool within their agencies. The program continues until June 2018…”officially”.
Learn more about this experience and hear directly from Club members in this short video: